Cyber risk a growing concern for D&O re/insurers, Airmic report finds


Cyber risk is a growing concern for Directors and Officers (D&O) liability re/insurers as business models continue to increasingly integrate and revolve around technology, according to a new report published by Airmic with support from Marsh and AIG.

Airmic found that the frequency of cyber-attacks has continued to rise dramatically, with AIG reporting as many cyber claims in 2017 as in the previous four years combined, and 2018 set to far exceed last year’s numbers.

“The risk of cyber-attack is a constantly evolving threat, and, for most companies there is a recognition that it is not a case of ‘if’ but ‘when’ their organisation will be impacted,” the report stated.

It noted that several high-profile shareholder class actions have already resulted from cyber incidents, which has put companies’ D&O policies under the spotlight.

The actions of the board and senior management may come under scrutiny following a cyber security breach, particularly if they have failed to implement appropriate reporting, system or cyber security, and data protection controls.

In response, Airmic urged boards to “take a proactive approach to their insurance arrangements, ensuring…

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