Cyber Risk Survey and winner announcement 2019


Cyber risk remains a significant concern for Australian businesses and government organisations.

According to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, the first 12 months of the notifiable data breaches scheme showed a seven fold increase in notifications as compared with the previous 12 months under the voluntary notification scheme.

These figures reflect that Australian organisations continue to experience ever increasing and ever more sophisticated cyber threats, against an evolving and increasingly stringent local and global regulatory landscape. In this environment, creating a strong culture of cyber security has never been more important. Against this backdrop, we conducted our fifth annual Cyber Risk Survey. The results from the survey will help shape our Perspectives on Cyber Security 2020 report, due out in March which offers a national picture of executive, IT and risk professionals’ perceptions of their organisations’ cyber risk preparedness. The report will also provide specific insights on the legal, regulatory and risk issues relevant to cyber security risk management in the age of big data and artificial intelligence.

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