Cyber Security A Growing Concern For Companies With Outsourced Workforce, Plex IT Comes Up With A Solution


The average cost of a breach in Australia is $3.35 million. On top of that, 54 percent of businesses claim that their IT staff lack the sophistication to defend against advanced cyberattacks. This has resulted in more than half of business owners being apathetic about cybersecurity.

These statistics cover mainly a company’s in-house infrastructure and database. With outsourcing becoming increasingly mainstream, how can an already vulnerable system be safeguarded if much of a company’s data now exists in the personal devices of outsourced workers?

Outsourced IT monitoring and management

Plex IT helps companies with cybersecurity concerns by providing outsourced security management. They support various business operations in creating efficient and secure networks with scale-on-demand capacity. Plex IT’s primary goal is to help Australian companies implement solid security frameworks by providing a set of “best practices,” which would determine risk tolerance and set controls to ensure that organisational and client data are safe.

Plex IT’s services include managed firewalls, intrusion detection, virtual private network, vulnerability scanning, and antiviral…

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