Cyber Security And The Importance Of This Vital And Indispensable Technology For A CXO


Security can save the company money and reduce complexities

With over 3,000 security vendors, we often hear that if we just purchased enough of their products, we could prevent any breach from ever occurring. Some vendors even offer a breach guarantee now. While this is interesting, the technologies must not be working due to the daily breaches that we read about.

To be successful in the boardroom, security leaders need to clearly articulate how their roadmap will help the business, not just secure it. Think about multi-factor authentication as an example. While it’s hard to prove ROI on this, you can market it as something that will improve employee satisfaction. How? Because once you have MFA on all external facing systems, you can reduce the number of times per year that you force employees to change their password. NIST recommends only changing passwords once per year if you are using MFA. What about implementing Single Sign-On or an Identify and Access Management system. These can be complex and expensive, but if you are able to show the number of hours of productivity gained by team members having access on day…

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