Cyber Security Executives Are Isolated and Struggling to Keep Up: Accenture


Australian cyber security programs are dangerously centralised as security leaders struggle to collaborate with their c-suite peers, according to research from Accenture. Nearly half of CISOs surveyed acknowledge that their responsibilities for securing the organisation are growing faster than their ability to address security issues.

The findings come form the Accenture study, Securing the Future Enterprise Today – 2018 which surveyed nearly 1500 executives from companies with annual revenues greater than $1 billion from 16 countries, including Australia.

The study concluded a new approach is needed to guard against new security threats like AI and rising data sharing.

While most companies have a CISO or assigned cybersecurity to a c-suite executive, such as a CIO, often these leaders have limited influence on cybersecurity strategy outside their departments.

73 per cent of the Australian c-level executives polled, agreed that cybersecurity staff and activities need to be dispersed and executed throughout all parts of the organisation, but cybersecurity remains centralised in 82 per cent of companies.

 Moreover, there is little indication that c-suite executives expect to…

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