Cyber security experts needed to manage increasing threats


President Biden called for companies to raise their cyber defenses this week as the risk of attack from Russian hackers increases. Of highest concern is critical infrastructure like communications technology and electricity. But in the digital age, pretty much every industry and company has some sort of vulnerability to cyberattacks, even if they might not know it. 

We’ve got a shortage of cybersecurity professionals in this country, including at the highest levels of many companies and the boards that oversee them, which can make for some big cyber blind spots.

There are about 400,000 unfilled positions in cyber security in the U.S. according to the trade group ISC-squared, and that’s likely an undercount, according to CEO Clar Rosso.

“That is only the organizations that have prioritized cybersecurity staff,” Rosso said. Many companies, particularly small and medium-sized ones, still don’t know what they don’t know.

According to a report from IT service firm, Navisite, almost half of companies don’t have a dedicated chief information security officer.


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