Cyber security news round-up


Making it into our round-up of cyber security news this month is research warning of the security risks posed by companies in the NHS supply chain and a ransomware attack on a French hospital.

Report warns of vulnerabilities in NHS supply chain

Eighty-eight percent of NHS suppliers have had emails together with associated employee passwords leaked, according to new research.

Threat intelligence and cyber risk company Orpheus looked at a cross-section of companies that supply to the NHS to assess their vulnerabilities and risk they posed.

Amongst its findings were that 37% of companies had vulnerabilities that looked attractive to cyber criminals, while 17% appeared to run databases that cyber criminals could target.

The research is intended to help NHS Trusts make risk based-procurement decisions while at the same time helping suppliers understand their own specific threats and vulnerabilities.

Oliver Church, CEO of Orpheus, said: “For some time we have watched cyber attackers consistently target the supply chains of organisations they want to exploit.

“All too often this is because supplier companies are the weakest link in the chain, enabling attackers to gain a…

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