Cyber security risks made worse by your employees • Troy Media

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Yogi SchulzWhen breaking through an organization’s security defences, employees who create vulnerabilities are a cybercriminal’s best friend.

While technical security safeguards are essential, employees continue to be the weakest link when it comes to protecting corporate information from cybercriminals of various shapes, sizes and motivations.

Cybercriminals regularly convince inattentive employees, through a phishing attack, to engage in one of the following security-compromising actions:

  • Disable or ignore company security measures such as anti-virus software and software firewalls.
  • Click on malicious links in phishing emails from obviously dangerous domains.
  • Open email attachments containing macros that launch malicious code.
  • Download files from dubious sources that install malware on laptops, tablets and smartphones.
  • Hand over valuable credentials, typically usernames and passwords, to crucial systems or valuable services in response to seemingly credible requests that are fakes.
  • Make wire transfers to fraudulent bank accounts in the mistaken belief they are following directions from their superiors.

Organizations need to wake up their employees to…

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