Cyber Security Today, Week in Review for December 10, 2021


Welcome to Cyber Security Today. This is the Week in Review edition for the week ending Friday December 10th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing writer on cybersecurity for


In a few minutes I’ll be joined by Dinah Davis, the Canadian-based vice-president of research and development of managed service provider Arctic Wolf, to discuss some of the news from the past seven days. But first a look at the headlines:

The Canadian government urged organizations to take fighting ransomware more seriously. The government knows there were at least 235 ransomware incidents against Canadian firms or individuals up to the middle of November.

In related news Palo Alto Networks said a survey of Canadian organizations willing to pay after being hit by ransomware were forking over an average of $458,000.

And Canadian police arrested an Ottawa man who they believe was behind a large number of ransomware and other cyber attacks.

Separately, a news service reported the Cerber ransomware strain is back circulating after having been quiet for two years. New attacks are being seen against organizations using Atlassian’s Confluence collaboration servers and those using GitLab…

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