Cyber Security Today, Week in Review for Friday, May 6, 2022


Welcome to Cyber Security Today. From Toronto, this is the Week in Review edition for the period ending Friday, May 6th, 2022. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for

In a few minutes I’ll be joined by David Shipley, CEO of New Brunswick’s Beauceron Security, to talk about some of the recent news. But first a look back at some of what happened in the last seven days:

Yesterday was World Password Day, a day loathed by some IT leaders who long to be rid of risky passwords used by staff and customers. David will have some thoughts about that.

We’ll also look at the obligations of organizations to notify regulators or cybersecurity agencies about data breaches.

Cybersecurity researchers said this week they are seeing more use of wiper malware to totally erase IT systems. David and I will delve into that.

And we’ll talk about a report that many companies aren’t using the security tools that come with software-as-a-service applications they subscribe to.

Elsewhere, Canadian federal, provincial and territorial privacy officers said Ottawa should either pass a law or issue guidelines to police limiting their use of facial…

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