Cyber Threat Exposure: Detection & Prevention Guide


At its core, cyber threat exposure management (CTEM) is the culmination of traditional vulnerability management, threat intelligence, and attack surface management. In the past, organizations focused on identifying and patching software vulnerabilities, often with a reactive approach. CTEM is focused on proactively identifying all types of high-risk exposure that could leave your organization at risk, and empowering teams to proactively remediate them.

Today, the scope of cybersecurity threats has expanded enormously, extending beyond the traditional IT infrastructure to include cloud, operational technology, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and even business processes.

At the same time, the threat landscape is undergoing rapid and disjunctive shifts. New threats such as stealer logs and triple extortion ransomware continue to proliferate leaving many security teams in a mode of constant reactivity.

CTEM aims to bridge the gap between these teams and enable cybersecurity teams to build a threat driven approach to cyber exposure management. 

Understanding the Concept of Cyber Exposure: A Detailed Overview

Cyber exposure refers to the quantifiable measure of an…

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