Cyber Threat Intelligence: Analysts Undertrained, Unsupported


REDWOOD CITY, Calif., March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — 85% of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) professionals have received little or no training for online activities critical to ensure corporate and public safety, according to the new 2020 Cyber Threat Intelligence Report.

The report, which was introduced today, is based on a survey among 338 CTI analysts and practitioners. It is published by market research firm Cybersecurity Insiders and sponsored by Authentic8, the leading provider of web isolation and research solutions with managed attribution for security teams in public and commercial sectors.

The report provides a rare glimpse into the world of cyber threat intelligence production and management. CTI researchers rely to a high degree on collection and analysis of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) – data and insights gathered from publicly available sources.

Conducting CTI research, whether on behalf of a Network Security Operations Center, fraud investigation department, or public safety team, carries inherent risks. 83% of cyber threat intelligence analysts use a web browser as…

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