CyberCube outlines the risks for 2022


Risk management firm CyberCube has identified four industries that are likely to be targeted by cyber criminals this year.

cybercube-logoOutlined in the company’s latest Global Threat Briefing, the four industries are healthcare, manufacturing, education, and utilities.

The report was authored by William Altman, principal cyber security consultant, and Darren Thomson, head of cyber security strategy, both of CyberCube.

Writing about the healthcare industry, Altman and Thomson said: “Costs will be highest for smaller healthcare organizations that have poor cyber resilience. Ransomware operators are likely to target hospitals that can least afford unplanned downtime.”

On education: “Opportunistic RaaS affiliates will continue to exploit low levels of cyber maturity in education. Increased reliance on digital mediums for education will put schools at higher risk of cyber attacks.”

On manufacturing: “Businesses with low visibility into Operational Technology (OT) are at increased risk of experiencing an IT attack that impacts OT. The focus should be on locking down remote connectivity solutions (RDP, VPN, etc) and credentials.”

And utilities: “An increasing number of critical…

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