Cyberquake: Tectonic shifts boost cloud, access management and endpoint security


We have all lived the reality that COVID-19 has accelerated by at least two years many trends that were in motion well before the virus hit — and cybersecurity is no exception. Indeed, cloud security, identity and access management, and endpoint security collectively are one of the best examples where we have witnessed accelerated change.

Welcome to this week’s Wikibon’s CUBE Insights, powered by Enterprise Technology Research. In this Breaking Analysis we want to update you on the all-important security sector which remains one of the top spending priorities for organizations. Erik Bradley at ETR provided macro trend insights, great data and some anecdotal commentary from chief information security officers.

Shifting sands in the cybersecurity sector

For many years we’ve talked about the shifting patterns in networking, moving away from what’s often referred to as a “North-South” architecture – meaning a hierarchical network supporting age-old organizational structures. The network is flattening into an “East-West” model and the moat or perimeter has been vaporized. Thanks to COVID-19, the perimeter is now wherever the user is and the users are at…

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