In the legal industry, attorney-client trust is critical and depends on a law firm’s ability to safeguard a client’s sensitive information: documents, business dealings and intellectual property. This was a lot easier to do when most documents were on paper and required physical presence to access. Now, most sensitive data has shifted to electronic formats and is stored on computers connected to the Internet.
Information that law firms amass is a veritable treasure trove for hackers and so law firms big and small are quickly becoming attractive targets for cyber attackers. According to the American Bar Association’s 2018 study, overall 23% of respondents reported that their firms had experienced a security breach at some point. The highest reported breach rate—42%—is for practices with between 50 and 99 attorneys.
While breaches don’t always make national news, attacks are growing in frequency. Hackers know that most law firms usually have less sophisticated security programs, house valuable confidential data including trade secrets, medical documents and financial data, and that they represent a…