Cybersecurity could be the game changer in an uncertain 2023, CIO News, ET CIO

There has been an exponential thrust on digitalization. As organizations turn digital and adopt new technology, the threat landscape concomitantly gets bigger. In fact, the threat landscape is evolving rapidly as hackers become increasingly sophisticated and security experts keep playing catch up. Sophisticated hackers are gaining access to networks and data. On the other hand, the consistent evolution of technology is fuelling vulnerabilities. Therefore, there are new risks every day, with existing threats evolving at a rapid speed.

“We need an enhanced cybersecurity framework. Information security has clearly taken center stage, more so in the post pandemic era. As CIOs and technology leaders, we need to bring security, especially cyber security to the head of the table. Advising and educating our boards is our responsibility. What, how and when we communicate to our board is critical and plays a very important part in the organization’s readiness for any cyber security eventuality,” says Venkatesh Mahadevan, CIO, Dubai Investments PJSC.

Cyber risks increase in an uncertain world

This is more so true as the world goes through a period of uncertainty.

“In a rapidly shifting and…

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