Cybersecurity Incidents at K-12 Schools Nearly Tripled in 2019, Report Says


As schools become increasingly reliant on technology for teaching and learning, it is putting them at greater risk for cybersecurity incidents, which is apparent in the findings of a new cybersecurity report.

“The State of K-12 Cybersecurity: 2019 Year in Review,” released by the K-12 Cybersecurity Resource Center, found there were 348 cybersecurity incidents reported at 336 K-12 education agencies across 44 states in 2019 — a 185% increase from 122 incidents in 2018.

Of the 348 incidents, 60% were due to data breaches, primarily involving the unauthorized disclosure of student data. The second most frequent type of cyber incident was ransomware or malware at 28%. These types of incidents are the most expensive and disruptive, according to the report.

For the first time since the resource center began tracking school incidents, malware/ransomware incidents resulted in numerous school districts canceling classes or closing in 2019.

The report also shared the worst cybersecurity incidents affecting public schools in 2019, including:

  • Louisana public schools: A State of Emergency was declared in July 2019 after three public school districts fell victim to…

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