‘Cybersecurity is the single most critical issue we face’

Cybersecurity Europe
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In 2017, under the leadership of director Aurélio Blanquet, EDP Distribuição joined the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS). Now, Blanquet has been elected Chair of the ENCS Assembly Committee. Here, he talks about his new role and the state of cybersecurity across the European energy sector.

EDP Distribuição has been a member of ENCS for a few years now. What made you take the step to become Chairman of the Assembly Committee?

We joined ENCS originally because it was an organisation playing a central role in cybersecurity for Europe’s grid operators, at a time when there simply wasn’t enough focus on the issue. Since then, there has been more attention paid to cybersecurity, however ENCS has continued to lead the thinking.

Not only does
ENCS help us as an individual member, it is a European voice for grid operators
when it comes to cyber security – both for DSOs and TSOs. I firmly believe that the future is digital, and
cybersecurity is the most critical issue for us to allow that future to happen.

So, my primary
motivation in becoming Chair was to do what I could to continue that leadership
role and…

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