Cybersecurity lessons from Star Trek


Credit: Divina Paredes

I learned from Star Trek it is not the size of the enterprise that defines success. It is the leaders, the crew, who do

Brig Gen (ret) Greg Touhill, ISACA and Cyxtera Federal Group

“Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them.”

Spock expressed doubts over the M-5 Multitronic system, a revolutionary tactical and control computer on board the Starship Enterprise

He was right, as the M-5 eventually attacked four sister ships of the Enterprise, and had to be shut down.

That episode of Star Trek aired 51 years ago, but its message around careful considerations on deploying disruptive technologies resonates still.

So much so that Brig Gen Admiral (ret) Touhilll, appointed by President Obama as the US government’s first chief information and security officer, calls NBC’s cancellation of Star Trek 50 years ago “a terrible tragedy”.

Touhill, now president of Cyxtera Federal Group, says however that the sci-fi series, movies, and…

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