Cybersecurity Predictions For 2019


In terms of annual storylines in cybersecurity, 2018 didn’t disappoint. Industry uproar ensued after Spectre and Meltdown exposed computer chip vulnerabilities, and VPNFilter malware exposed new dangers to routers and network-attached storage products. Once again, the biggest, most trusted brands suffered costly and damaging data breaches­. Victims included Amazon and Facebook, Macy’s and Kmart, Adidas and Under Armour, Delta Airlines and Cathay Pacific — and that’s just a start. And concerns around the cyber tampering of our elections, including allegations of foreign hacking of the Democratic National Committee, along with new international security standards that put a greater onus on global corporations (such as the General Data Protection Regulation), made 2018 a busy year for cybersecurity followers.

Now that the New Year is upon us, it’s natural to wonder what to expect in the 12 months ahead. In truth, there will be dozens of plots and subplots, some based on continuing themes, others introducing new ones altogether. Here, however, are four key predictions that I think will have a profound influence on the cybersecurity industry for 2019.

1. Nations At…

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