Cybersecurity risk management evolving with new CISO roles


Cybersecurity risk management is becoming more critical than ever as industries adapt to an increasingly digital landscape.

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence, combined with complex cyber threats, is pushing companies to rethink their security strategies. As the role of the chief information security officer expands to include not only traditional information security, but also supply chain and data integrity, organizations are being forced to navigate new responsibilities and risks. These shifts are transforming how businesses protect themselves, emphasizing the need for resilience in the face of evolving digital threats.

Kevin Mandia, founder, former CEO and strategic advisor at Google Cloud talks to theCUBE about cybersecurity risk management at mWISE 2024.

Google Cloud’s Kevin Mandia talks to the CUBE about cybersecurity risk management.

“There’s a lot of companies that have said, ‘We need to make backups of our critical assets. We need to make sure our backups are secure,’” said Kevin Mandia (pictured), founder, former chief executive officer and strategic advisor at Google Cloud. “Almost none of them practiced a red lever event of let’s go through the drill of shutting down and redoing it … because it impacts business and or they may not have the time or resources to do…

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