Cybersecurity Training | Datamation


Cybersecurity training is the key that unlocks the door to lucrative and flexible career paths in a field where professionals are scarce and demand is high.

It’s also a wise investment for organizations filling in professional gaps by retraining their existing workforces. 

How urgent is the cybersecurity hiring and training need? The numbers paint a clear picture:

  • Cybersecurity Ventures predicts there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs globally in 2021
  • Fewer than one in four applicants for open cybersecurity positions are qualified, according to the MIT Technology Review
  • A cyberattack occurs somewhere in the world every 39 seconds
  • Data breaches cost organizations an average of $4.1 million per incident in recovery costs, according to IBM

The demand in cybersecurity contributes to an increasingly chaotic cybersecurity training market — the choices can feel overwhelming. This review lay outs information about some of the primary options available for cybersecurity training, including certifications, college degrees, and supplemental courses to bolster existing skill sets. 

The eight cybersecurity domains

Cybersecurity is an umbrella term that encompasses a…

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