Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2023


Anna Delaney: Hi, I’m Anna Delaney with ISMG. 2022 will go down as a memorable year in cybersecurity. The Russia-Ukraine war turned cyberwarfare into a reality. Cryptocurrency markets imploded. While there was no log4J or SolarWinds level hack that we know of, industry stalwarts Microsoft and Cisco suffered breaches, as did Twitter and Uber. So how should we characterize 2022? We consulted with some of the top professionals in the industry and ask them to describe the year in one word. Here’s what they said.

Richard Bird: Abysmal.

Chase Cunningham: Affordable. That’s what I want to see in cyberspace.

Tom Kellermann: Guerrilla warfare. That’s the battle that we waged, that’s the battle that’s being waged against us.

Steve King: The biggest problem in my mind, and the one word I would use is complexity. I think we’ve created this. We’re our biggest enemy.

Sam Curry: One word is insufficient, but I’ll say hopeful.

Delaney: As we enter the New Year, we asked our experts about the trends to watch in 2023. They helped us put together a list of 10 predictions for this highly unpredictable industry. Our panelists began with the topic of API security. The API…

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