CYFIRMA, a leading cyber-threat visibility and intelligence analytics platform company, released Cyber-threat predictions for 2020


TOKYO & SINGAPORE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–CYFIRMA, a predictive cyber-threat visibility and intelligence analytics platform company backed by Goldman Sachs and Zodius Capital, today announced its Cyber-threat Predictions for 2020.

The company’s proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technology analyzed global threat indicators and revealed the trade wars will fuel cyber-attacks on rivals, with more nations adopting cyber-warfare capabilities and starved nations continuing to use cyber-attacks as the new engine to grow their economy. The company also predict new technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), Autonomous Critical Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industry 4.0, Cryptocurrency, Cloud, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Drones will subject government and businesses to further cyber risks. CYFIRMA’s research indicates hackers’ interests are growing towards traditional and non-traditional industries such as research institutions, chemical, shipping, logistics, product and technology companies.

“2019 was a watershed year for cyber-security. CYFIRMA’s Threat Intelligence saw an unprecedented onslaught of…

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