Data centers on steel wheels: Can we trust the safety of the railway infrastructure?


In this interview for Help Net Security, Dimitri van Zantvliet Rozemeijer, CISO at Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways), talks about railway cybersecurity and the progresses this industry has made to guarantee safety.

railway cybersecurity

Critical infrastructure has seen quite many cybersecurity incidents lately and cybercriminals have become stealthier than ever. How is railway cybersecurity fairing in this complex environment?

It is true that cybersecurity incidents are on the rise and that’s a trend that I do not foresee declining any time soon. So, in general, it is fair to say that incidents in the railway sector follow that trend and will do so over the coming years. On the other hand, if we look at Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways), we have been riding trains for more than 180 years and have done so with safety as a prerequisite. One could argue that security processes are embedded into our DNA and cybersecurity is just the latest strain in that helix.

If we compare railways with, for example, the banking sector then we see we have some catching up to do but given the fact that we are used to dealing with risks I am confident that this sector is fully able to develop…

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