Debugging Digital Governance: The Future Ahead


This article is final part of Board’s Opportunities and Challenges for Corporate Governance and Sustainability and Board Committees and their Composition: Getting it Right which poses a series of questions to support thinking and discussion ahead of the 2019 London Global Convention on Corporate Governance and Sustainability.

Technology can address sustainability issues and widen participation. Digital and other disruptive technologies such as robotics and 3D printing can have multiple impacts and create both challenges and opportunities. They can enable transformation and alternative and better business models, but can also open doors to new forms of hacking. Boards that are proactive and move quickly can use them to great advantage to support new ways of working, learning, operating and building relationships. Those failing to react can suffer from alert competition or become victims of malevolent activities.

Cyber security is now a major area of risk (World Economic Forum, 2018). Are innovations and emerging technologies viewed as disruptive or as enablers? Is their progress outpacing board and corporate responses? For example, how will…

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