Dechert Cyber Bits – Issue 7 | Dechert LLP


EU Parliament Adopts Amended Digital Services Act by a Wide Margin

On January 21, 2022, the members of the EU Parliament approved by a large majority (77%) an amended draft of the Digital Services Act (“DSA”).

The DSA proposal, put forward by the EU Commission back in December 2020, aims to provide for a common set of obligations and accountability rules for online intermediaries while safeguarding consumers’ fundamental rights. Key provisions of the DSA relate to the control of illegal goods, services or online content and better traceability and transparency. The DSA would apply to various types of online intermediary services providers (Internet providers, cloud services providers, etc.), with a strong focus on online platforms (marketplaces, app stores, collaborative economy platforms and social media platforms) and very large online platforms (i.e., reaching more than 45 million consumers in the EU). Once in force, online intermediary services providers would need to comply with this new set of rules or risk facing fines of up to 6 percent of their annual turnover.

The EU Parliament introduced several changes to the Commission proposal, including:

  • The…

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