Defence against the dark web


If Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were real, it would be teaching ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘machine learning’ to thwart threats from the dark arts today, because nothing else seems to work.

The traditional way of protecting data has been to build a firewall around it; improvements to it have been like strengthening a castle wall.

But, sigh! the data itself no longer resides within the firewall — so how do you protect it?

At a time when your data is in the cloud or with your service providers, hackers have a field day. Billions of passwords float around in the dark web, sold and bought by crooks.

The nature of providing cyber security is changing — from keeping malware out to actively seeking out a threat and neutralising it before it strikes you.

Threat monitoring solutions, such as anti-virus, intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems are not even meant to counter the threats posed by internet-exposed infrastructure.

For example, you might want to access a service provider like a ticket booking portal. The portal company may have robust systems to protect your data, such as your credit card details. But if the search…

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