Designing the Tesla of Security and Compliance


Organizations should look beyond traditional approaches and aspire to create a well-oiled security and compliance engine that runs efficiently and economically. Coalfire’s Adam Shnider discusses a better path forward.

When an automotive company like Tesla works to design the ideal automobile – one that will disrupt a 120-year-old industry – they begin with a vision. Then, they work to make that vision a reality by designing each component with that vision in mind. They understand how each part affects the whole, how safety can be optimized and efficiencies can be gained – or lost – through the tough choices they make, considering ways to enable continuous improvement even after the vehicle leaves the showroom floor. While the goals are many – safety, efficiency, comfort and usability – the vision never gets lost, and they don’t settle for traditional methods when there could be a better path forward.

Today, cybersecurity and compliance are equally complex, but also equally stuck in traditional models. There is such an overwhelming number of moving parts – regulatory and compliance frameworks multiplying by the year, additional security gap concerns, new threat vectors, customers to placate and boards to assure – that organizations frequently focus on tactical elements of the program rather…
