Despite respite, national security has been severly impacted by government shutdown


Many veteran federal government officials have been struck by the irony of the ongoing government shutdown which lasted 35 days before Congress and the Administration settled on a brief respite today. The current administration has built its argument around the premise that the principles propping up the shutdown rest on the preservation of national security. Yet, how disturbingly ironic it is said former and present FBI personnel, cybersecurity experts and corporate security executives that the effects of the government shutdown are instead throwing the United States into a potential national security crisis on more than one front. For the myriad concerned security and government agencies, the realities of the shutdown are that homeland, aviation, transportation, school, critical infrastructure and cybersecurity are all being severely impacted; and that is not fake news.

Airport security managers around the country are at odds with TSA officials concerning unscheduled absences of TSA rank and file claiming the safety of the flying public is at stake, while TSA says there has “been no degradation of security effectiveness.”

Even the Airline Pilots Association sent a…

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