Develop Tailored Cybersecurity Self-Assessments to Help Secure Your Remote Workforce


With many organizations supporting large numbers of remote workers, security teams are being pressed to provide necessary protections and security awareness training for the remote workforce. Security awareness is important no matter where your workforce resides, but companies might find it difficult to train remote workers via traditional methods.

So how can organizations help ensure that remote employees are still practicing cyber safety?

Engage Remote Workers With a Cybersecurity Self-Assessment

Instead of sending the same old training modules in an email that employees will probably ignore, why not engage workers with more interactive and informative security awareness content?

By empowering employees to evaluate their own security practices and explaining the “why” behind certain rules and policies, instead of simply telling workers what they can’t do, security teams can improve workforce risk awareness and, in turn, raise the security posture of the overall business.

The following 13 items cover the basics of security awareness for every remote employee. Organizations should use this checklist to guide the creation of their own tailored cybersecurity…

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