DHS Forms New Cyber Hub to Protect Critical U.S. Infrastructure


The Department of Homeland Security will announce on Tuesday the creation of a new center aimed at guarding the nation’s banks, energy companies and other industries from major cyberattacks that could cripple critical infrastructure, agency officials said.

The launch of the National Risk Management Center is expected to be unveiled by DHS Secretary

Kirstjen Nielsen

at a government-hosted cyber summit in New York City, at which Vice President

Mike Pence

and several other cabinet secretaries are expected to speak.

The center’s creation was motivated by a growing recognition in government that sophisticated cyberattacks, particularly those deployed by foreign adversaries, can not only harm a company or industry but can cause systemic failure across society,

Chris Krebs,

DHS’s top cyber official, said in an interview.

Mr. Krebs cited last year’s global WannaCry ransomware worm, which infected hundreds of thousands of computers in over 150 countries and which Western countries blamed…

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