Digital Assets & Risk Management


Digital Assets & Risk Management

Cyber Security and Hacking

Yes, I’m afraid this time it is different.

With the cyclical digital asset boom and bust cycle now a few churns in, a world once made up of libertarians and other “separatists” has attracted the very antithesis of these players, traditional financial companies. 

And these are not fringe or small players, they are the really big guys, the household names that everyone recognizes. 

As these newer, but very substantial, entrants begin to multiply their products and services in the digital asset space, I’ve been very interested to see how they are thinking about the risk management around these various offerings.

Risk management is something I’m very familiar with, having been the CRO for one of the largest brokerage firms and clearing firms in the US. 

As I consider the multitudes of questions that we were asked to answer, uncover, or weigh in on, for all types of asset classes and products, my interest lies with how digital assets are being considered.  This is not only from an accounting perspective, there are no shortage of agencies, accounting practice organizations, and lawyers willing to offer…

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