Digital Storage And Memory Projections For 2023, Part 3


This is my third and last blog on digital storage and memory projections for 2023. The last two articles focused on digital storage and memory devices including magnetic tape, HDDs, SSDs as well as NAND, DRAM and emerging memories. We also covered developments in shared storage and memory networking. This article focuses on developments in digital storage systems and software and their use in various workflows.

While there are lingering issues with supply chains and at least partial remote work and remote collaboration seems here to stay, in 2022, we began to recover from the impacts of two years of the COVID pandemic. On the other hand, high inflation rates and tightening of money supplies to try and stem inflation resulted in many technology-driven companies tightening their belts, laying off workers and moderating their IT infrastructure spending in the second half of the year. As a result, shipments of all types of storage products took a nose dive and prices on NAND and DRAM plummeted, as discussed in Part 2 in this blog series.

Despite the negative headwinds coming out of 2022 there are a number of…

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