Disaster-Risk Management in Laos – The Asia Foundation


August 15, 2018

By Derin Henderson

In July, Lao PDR experienced significant increases in water levels due to heavy rains from the southwest monsoon. The adverse effects were exacerbated by Tropical Storm Son-Tinh, which blew through several provinces in the south on July 18. The tropical storm damaged one of seven dams in a large hydroelectric network along the Xe-Pian River, in Attapeu Province.

Photo Credit: Phoutthavong SOUVANNACHAK, Shutterstock.com

Around 5 billion cubic meters of water were suddenly and devastatingly released downstream when the dam unexpectedly collapsed, affecting 13 villages and more than 16,000 people, over 10 percent of the province’s population. The flood of water and mud washed out roads and…
