Disaster risk profile for Namibia soon


NAMIBIA hopes to produce a disaster risk management profile within this financial year, permanent secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister I-Ben Nashandi said yesterday.

Nashandi was addressing the opening ceremony of the week-long disaster risk reduction workshop at a Windhoek hotel. It is running under the theme ‘Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in sub-Saharan African Regions, Countries and Communities’.

The workshop, aimed at building resilience in disaster management in Namibia, is a joint venture between the disaster risk management directorate that is under the Office of the Prime Minister, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), and the Cima Research Foundation for Africa, among others.

“The Office of the Prime Minister as a coordinating office for disaster risk management takes this workshop by the UNISDR seriously because we have been trying to develop a national risk profile for sometime now, without success. However, our office has set itself a task to produce such a profile this financial year,” said Nashandi.

He said risk profiling is critical to the ministry’s work, as they are required to take risk-informed decisions at all times.

