Do we need a risk management framework?

> Risk > Do we need a risk management framework?

Do we need a risk management framework?

A single word can change so much.

For example, the traditional way of thinking about responses to risk includes the expression “accepting risk”. (The options are avoiding, transferring, or mitigating. The idea of taking more (!) is ignored.)

That is so passive!

In order to succeed, whether in life or in business, people need to take risks! Active, not passive!

The key is to do so intelligently with reliable information about where you are (so often overlooked) and what may happen in the future.

Life and business are not about managing or mitigating risk(s). They are about making decisions that will help you get where you need to go, be what you want to be, and achieve the success you desire.

How about changing the expression “risk management framework” to “risk taking framework”?

This is a much more active way of thinking.

It focuses on the decisions you are making, not only understanding the bad things that might happen but why you may want to take the risks of them happening.


  • Understand where we are
  • Anticipate (another wonderful word) what might happen
  • Do something if that is not desirable (better than ‘acceptable’)

If you were asked to change from helping with a risk…


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