Does India Have Enough Cybersecurity Talent?


Does India Have Enough Cybersecurity Talent?

National news from the last few years has shown that India is not well-prepared for cybersecurity attacks. According to a recent survey, India has the third-highest number of cyberattacks after Mexico and France. This has increased the demand for cybersecurity experts exponentially — so much so, that after data science, it has become one of the most sought-after jobs in India. 

Many companies including startups and larger firms like Infosys, TCS, Wipro and HCL have begun to invest significantly in strengthening their cybersecurity segments. They are investing in establishing cyber defence centres, investment in technology, talents and training. What was once assumed to be a part of the IT department has now become a stand-alone division. As cybersecurity has grown into a separate vertical, it has a lot of open positions to be filled up. 

The demand for cybersecurity professionals in India is on an all-time rise but despite having the largest information technology talent pool in the world, India is facing an acute talent shortage in this sector. That presents a huge opportunity for India and its IT services industry to reskill and fill the gaps.

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