Don’t Be Compliance-First. Be Risk-First Instead.


Cyber compliance is a serious headache for businesses in every industry. Regulations are mushrooming, and the penalties for non-compliance can be hefty and consequential. It’s not surprising that organizations are placing compliance at the head of their priorities.

Compliance has its limits, however. Over-reliance on the requirements of various frameworks can be burdensome, but it can also damage an organization’s opportunities for growth and ability to prevent data breaches. It can result in a false sense of security and blind spots that permit genuine threats to go unnoticed, even when they are a clear and present danger.

When companies hyper-focus on compliance for the sake of compliance, they end up with tunnel vision that can stifle creativity, innovation and adaptability. There’s also a risk of overkill with overlapping requirements that absorb resources unnecessarily and drive up costs.

Today, more companies are pivoting from compliance-first to risk-first mindsets. From my perspective, the organizations that are the most effective at meeting cybersecurity challenges are those that have incorporated a risk-first approach.

What Is a Risk-First Mentality?

A risk-first…

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