Don’t Let Siloed Identity Governance Put Your Organization at Risk


“But that’s the way we’ve always done it” isn’t much of a defense for the old siloed approach to identity governance and administration that so many organizations continue to rely on. When organizations stop treating identity governance, day-to-day-access management, threat detection, and risk management as separate, siloed activities, and instead allow these disciplines to work together and inform each other, they break through the barriers that can interfere with effective identity governance.

Why Do You Need an Integrated Approach to Identity Governance?

Cloud, mobility and a growing remote workforce are all part of the digital transformation many businesses are undergoing today – but along with the opportunity that transformation creates, there’s also risk. Taking a siloed approach to identity governance puts your organization at a disadvantage for managing that risk. It locks you into multiple point solutions that narrowly address individual issues, which makes it more difficult to pivot and adapt rapidly as the user population grows, threats evolve and regulatory pressures increase.

Three Sources of Insights to Transform Your Identity Strategy


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