don’t miss out on early bird tickets for RAW2023! RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Risk Awareness Week 2023 is just around the corner, and the anticipation is building for what promises to be another enlightening and enriching experience. This year, the event is taking an innovative twist on the risk management narrative with the theme “Take More Risk”. This isn’t about reckless behavior, but about understanding risk and using it strategically to reap greater rewards.

We’re excited to have you join us as we explore this transformative concept. But there’s something you need to act on right now: The early bird discount for RAW2023 tickets ends soon, precisely at the end of June.

As risk professionals, we understand the value of taking calculated risks. The early bird offer is just that – a low-risk, high-reward opportunity. Not only does it allow you to secure your place at one of the most awaited risk management conferences of the year, but it does so at a significantly discounted price.

And here’s a bonus: your early bird ticket isn’t just for RAW2023. It’s a gateway to an expansive learning opportunity. With your early bird purchase, you’ll gain complimentary access to the content from RAW2022 as well. That’s two full conferences worth of expert-led workshops, insightful presentations, and enriching discussions!

The value of this offer is unparalleled, but like all good things, it must come to an end. When June concludes, so does the opportunity to get your hugely discounted ticket.

We understand that risk is a part of every decision we make. But with the early bird offer for RAW2023, it’s a no-brainer. It’s a small investment for a wealth of knowledge, experiences, and networking opportunities that could propel your understanding of risk to a whole new level.

Remember, in the words of Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. So take your shot now. Secure your spot at Risk Awareness Week 2023 and step into a new paradigm of risk-taking.

Join us this October. Grab your early bird ticket today, and let’s explore the risks worth taking together. Visit our website to sign up. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Informed Risk Taking

Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!



Advanced Risk Governance

This course gives guidance, motivation, critical information, and practical case studies to move beyond traditional risk governance, helping ensure risk management is not a stand-alone process but a change driver for business.
