Dualog, NYK Sign Cyber-Risk Contract


November 21, 2019

From left, Otto Malmgren, counsellor at Norwegian Embassy; Per Arve Frøyen, director of Innovation Norway Japan; Morten Lind-Olsen, CEO of Dualog; Hideki Suzuki, corporate officer at NYK; Hideyuki Ando, senior general manager of MTI. Photo: Dualog

Japanese shipping company NYK has signed  a long-term industrial research and development project agreement with Tromsø-based Dualog which aims to result in a cutting-edge Cyberrisk Management System for vessels.

The project announced today at the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo will receive two years of funding from the Norwegian government fund Innovation Norway.

The agreement will see the development of digitized products and services across a test-bed of 50 vessels with a view to eventually being rolled out across NYKs self-operated fleet of 250 ships.

The accord follows hot on the heels of a strategic partnership both companies signed in the summer of 2017, which focused on pushing the boundaries for automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data analysis.

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