Tony Scott (announcer): The American Forces Radio Network presents THE LEADERSHIP LIST.

George Maurer (host): Welcome to the very first addition of THE LEADERSHIP LIST…interviews with authors from command professional reading lists. I’m your host George Maurer. Today, I’m featuring a book from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs professional reading list titled, “The Starfish and The Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations,” co-authored by Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom. Coming up in today’s interview, let go and watch your people shine, how closed thinking led to the most useless job in the world, “President of the Internet,” and why American leadership remains the greatest hope for achieving world peace. I’m very fortunate to have Rod Beckstrom as my guest today. You are the absolute perfect first guest. Welcome, Rod.

Rod Beckstrom: Thank you. I’m pleased and honored to be here.

Maurer: Your resume is truly remarkable. At the age of 24, you created a company called C*ATS Software which helped financial institutions with risk management. You were one…

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