Economic risk top concern of global business leaders


Economic risk is the primary concern for business leaders worldwide, according to the first global CNA Hardy Risk and Confidence Survey released Monday.

Economic risk was cited by 22% of the respondents worldwide, ranking in the top two risks in every region surveyed. That put it ahead of cyber (19%), technology (14%) and political risk (13%).

The report called the top three business risks — economic, cyber and technology — “global, inter-connected and complex.”

“In our view, companies need more than the traditional financial and legal skills if they are to manage these risks,” according to the report. “They also need a broader, more diverse range of skills on the board to help identify and manage the threats to brand reputation posed, for example, by failure to prepare adequately for Brexit or a disruption to the supply chain caused by a cyber attack. Organizations also need to think about embedding a more proactive approach to loss and risk prevention. Stronger leadership teams, operating within a more proactive risk culture, will be better placed to make the strategic investments…

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