Edgile Partners with SecZetta to Address Third Party Identity Risk

SecZetta & Edgile Tackle Non-Employee Identity Risk

“Having an accurate view of which third party identities should have access to what resources and ensuring those identities are de-provisioned in a timely and accurate manner is a key pain point for many identity programs,” said Paul Hewitt, Edgile Partner.

SecZetta, the leading provider of third party identity risk and lifecycle management solutions, and Edgile, the leading cyber risk and regulatory compliance firm announced a partnership to help enterprises advance third-party identity programs with SecZetta’s NE Profile and NE Access products. This will enhance Edgile’s full spectrum of service offerings including Integrated Risk Management, Identity and Access Management, and Cloud Security.

Customers deploying comprehensive cybersecurity programs will be able to extend IGA programs to include an authoritative source for managing third party non-employees and portals for collaboration and delegation with vendors and partners.

“The process…

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