Ed’s note: Innovative energy technologies of the future


What are the innovative technologies that will form the basis of our power ecosystem in the next decade? How will these be incorporated into our lives, and what breakthrough technologies could we expect to see in the next decade?

I have been reading a lot about technological innovation in the power and utility sector recently. As we try to make sense of the current state of the world, there is something to be said for those that are innovating even during challenging times. Perhaps innovation gives us a sense that there is life after a pandemic, perhaps it’s just the delight that comes with things that are shiny and new?

I wanted to share some of the innovative technologies I have come across – a list which is by no means exhaustive or complete – include the following:

CO2 removal at scale

Jan Wurzbacher, Co-Founder and co-CEO of Climeworks believes that in addition to net-zero emission technologies, negative emission technologies will grow in scale and use. This is in order to remove existing or ‘historic’ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

“By becoming widely accessible, the demand for CO2 removal will increase…

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