Effective Training: Awaken the Zombies to Impart “Level 3” Understanding


The best training engages participants and leaves them with an understanding of how to apply the material in the real world. Jim Nortz discusses the critical role training plays in helping employees avoid the health care compliance bear traps.

I’ll never forget the look on my colleagues’ faces as they trudged into the first eight-hour “train-the-trainer” sales and marketing code of conduct session we conducted for our European regional and country managers at Bausch & Lomb. As they took their seats in the training room, they appeared like condemned prisoners resigned to their wretched fate. I could hardly blame them.

There are few cures for insomnia more potent than a good old-fashioned compliance and ethics training session. Mind-numbingly boring topics like those addressed in sales and marketing codes of conduct consistently anesthetize all but the most caffeinated. Even the hearty souls who manage to keep their eyes open soon become inattentive zombies with glazed looks and minds wandering to places they’d rather be. This is particularly true of sales and marketing professionals, who are accustomed to being constantly on the move.

However, by the end of the day, my European colleagues uniformly reported that the training session was not just tolerable, but the most engaging and effective corporate…
