Elevate Your Risk Management Strategy with NSFOCUS CTEM


As cybersecurity, data protection, and personal information security regulations become increasingly stringent, regulatory bodies are taking robust measures to enhance oversight. However, organizations continue to face significant challenges in risk management, particularly in the unified discovery and management of internet assets, where considerable gaps remain.

“Attack surfaces are expanding and vulnerability management processes are failing. Organizations need approaches such as CTEM to provide for the breadth and complexity of modern threat exposures,” said Pete Shoard, VP Analyst at Gartner Research & Advisory.

Leveraging our extensive experience in vulnerability management, we have introduced the Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) solution to address these challenges. This solution adopts an attacker’s perspective, combining internal and external asset mapping, continuous vulnerability assessments, risk validation, and closed-loop operational management to provide a comprehensive, end-to-end risk governance solution. By achieving proactive security defense, NSFOCUS CTEM significantly reduces risk exposure, marking a new era in risk management.