Enhancing Risk Governance through Effective Board Compliance Reporting #RAW2023 RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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An effective Board compliance reporting is crucial for organizational success. Technological advancements, the ongoing discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI), an extended understanding of Board members’ fiduciary duty, and corporate scandals have put an increasing focus on Board oversight of compliance as a risk governance instrument. To build and sustain Board oversight of compliance that satisfies current expectations and needs is an ongoing challenge and requires rethinking.

This workshop discusses how to introduce and establish a framework for Board compliance reporting, which is a communication process and supports Boards in remaining on top of their oversight obligations in today’s era of trust. The following points are addressed:

  • Managing information asymmetry among stakeholders is crucial for risk governance in the era of trust. Transparent reporting bridges the gap, fostering understanding.
  • Board compliance reporting is a two-way communication process, not just a document. Enhancing communication elements of reporting through empathy, active listening, transparency, effective dialogue, and adaptability ensures more accurate and comprehensive information to all stakeholders.
  • Embracing an agile approach is essential for measuring Board compliance reporting progress and demonstrating collective responsibility for compliance oversight. Using a modified Net Promoter Score (NPS) question facilitates constructive dialogue with Board members and stakeholders to improve oversight and risk governance.



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