Ensuring Privacy Compliance Needs To Be Meaningful, Not Just Cosmetic


Globally, the adoption of risk management has been a slow process. What steps do you think companies should take to ensure faster adoption, given the almost constant threat environment enterprises face?

I have been in the IT business for the last 25 years and worked in various industries, from government, non-profit and construction, to leading a software company. ISACA’s State of Enterprise Risk Management Survey findings show that, unfortunately, only 29% of respondents are highly confident that enterprise can predict the impact of vulnerabilities associated with emerging technologies. Some of the things have worked in the past and the past is a good prediction for the future. For about 10 years we were talking about the cloud coming, and now it is here and even witnessing a rapid adoption. That can serve as a prediction curve for other emerging technologies. The adoption of the cloud has become a prime source of risk for enterprises. A couple of years ago, people seldom talked about risk, only about cybersecurity and information security, and now the whole idea of clearly defining risk has become important.

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